
May News: N. Berkeley BART Open House, Police Chief Appointment & More

Event, Newsletter, Sidewalks and Streets
Hi Neighbor, Happy May! I wanted to remind you that the selected N. Berkeley BART development team will be hosting an open house this Wed., May 10 and you may drop in anytime from 6 to 8 p.m. at the N. Berkeley Senior Center (1901 Hearst). They will be seeking your input on a variety of issues listed in the flyer below. Light refreshments and children’s activities will be available. If you require any special accommodations, please e-mail nbb@bridgehousing.com as soon as possible. Also, please SAVE THE DATE for my next Drop-In Meeting: Tues., May 30 from 5-6 p.m. at the Ohlone Park playground picnic table (near Hearst and McGee). In this newsletter: May 9: Council Considers Permanent Appointment of Jennifer Louis as Police Chief Gilman Street Closed Between Second…
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March News: San Pablo Ave Corridor Meeting, Street Paving, Gilman District Street Fair & More

News, Newsletter
Hi Neighbor, Happy Spring! Our City staff are continuing to clear downed trees from last week's powerful storm, which is expected to take one month. If you have wood debris (including shrubs, brush, limbs, woody bushes, broom, cypress, eucalyptus, juniper, firewood, etc.) on your property, you can schedule an appointment for the City’s chipper service HERE. In light of the recent storm, this service is being offered citywide beginning April 17.   Please SAVE THE DATE for my next Drop-In Meeting: Sun., April 2, 10-11 a.m.Berkeley Way Mini-Park (1294 Berkeley Way)(Seating is limited here, so please feel free to bring your own folding chair if you like.) In this newsletter: - San Pablo Avenue Corridor Project Open House this Thurs., March 30, 6-8 p.m. at the Adult School (1701 San Pablo)…
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February News: BART Meeting Next Week, Ohlone Greenway Upgrades & More

Hi Neighbor, This Black History Month, we mourn the tragic death of Tyre Nichols and we witness an alarming assault on African American Studies. Here in Berkeley, I pledge my continued commitment to fighting for racial justice. This month, I will be holding two drop-in meetings for residents: Cedar Rose Park (amphitheater area)Sat., Feb. 18 | 9:30-10:30 a.m. West Berkeley Service Center, 1900 Sixth St.Thurs., Feb. 23 | 5-6:30 p.m. On Thurs., March 2 (5:30-6:30 p.m.), I will hold a safety meeting at the Berkeley Adult School for the 1600 to 1700 blocks of San Pablo Avenue with Berkeley Police Lt. Matt McGee and Head of Neighborhood Services Peter Radu—pursuant to my Council item requesting a security assessment for the area. In this newsletter: Hopkins Street Safety Plan Special Council…
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Weather Alert: Safety Reminders for Heavy Rain and Wind

News, Newsletter
Hi Neighbor, Happy New Year! This e-mail includes safety reminders for heavy rain and wind from the City of Berkeley and AC Alert. From AC Alert: "There’s still time to prepare for today's storm: Sign up for alerts, get sandbags, charge your phone, prepare an emergency kit with flashlights, prescriptions, and important documents." "Avoid driving, if possible. Don’t drive through road closures or flood waters: Turn Around, Don’t Drown!" Alameda County Prepare for Winter Storms Webpage From City of Berkeley: With another "atmospheric river" expected to bring heavy rain and strong winds starting today, help keep Berkeley safe by doing your part to reduce flooding in your neighborhood and by reporting downed power lines, clogged drains, fallen trees, and other storm-related issues. The National Weather Service has issued a High…
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Dec. News: Hopkins Corridor Virtual Meeting on Dec. 12 & More

Hi Neighbor, I want to wish you a very happy holiday season! Here’s more information on how you can shop local and support our small businesses this holiday season. In this newsletter: Hopkins Corridor Virtual Meeting on Mon., Dec. 12 Give Input on Ohlone Park Restroom Hopkins Corridor Virtual Meeting on Mon., Dec. 12 The City Public Works Department is holding a virtual community workshop this Mon., Dec. 12 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. to consider ideas for improving transportation safety along Hopkins Street from Gilman to San Pablo. Consistent with the Berkeley Climate Action Plan and Vision Zero Action Plan to eliminate fatal and severe traffic crashes, the project seeks to: Improve safety for people biking and walking along Hopkins Street Provide easier access by bike and on foot…
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BART Meetings: Developer Public Presentations TONIGHT & Design Meeting Next Week

Event, Newsletter, North Berkeley Bart
Hi Neighbor, There are two upcoming meetings about N. Berkeley BART Station Development: 1) TONIGHT: The City and BART will hold a Public Presentations Meeting with developer candidates from 7 to 9 p.m. Click HERE to register, if you haven't already. 2) SAVE THE DATE: The City and BART will hold their first Objective Design Standards Meeting on Wed., Nov. 16 from 7 to 9 p.m. Please see more details for both meetings below TONIGHT: N. Berkeley BART Developer Candidate Public Presentations The City and BART will hold a Public Presentations Meeting with developer candidates TONIGHT from 7 to 9 p.m.   The meeting will take place in a hybrid format, with in-person and online participation available. Each developer team will present their credentials, experience, and past projects, followed by a…
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Fall News: N. Berkeley BART Developer Public Presentations & More

News, Newsletter
Dear Neighbor, Our community mourns the senseless loss of three young people—Isamaeli (Eli) Mata’afa and Jazy and Angel Sotelo Garcia—to gun violence. You can support their families and memory by making a donation: Support the family of Isamaeli (Eli) Mata’afa by clicking HERE. The Berkeley Public Schools Fund has established the Jazy and Angel Scholarship Fund. As Chair of the Council's Public Safety Policy Committee, I will continue to advocate for investments to ensure families feel safe in their homes and neighborhoods.   In this newsletter: - SAVE THE DATE: N. Berkeley BART Developer Candidate Public Presentations on Thurs., Nov. 10- Residential Preferential Parking (RPP) Permit Expansion to West Berkeley- Construction Updates: Gilman Interchange and Ohlone Greenway- Support Old Finnish Hall- Covid Recovery Grants SAVE THE DATE: N. Berkeley BART Developer…
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Aug. News: Answering BART FAQs, Cesar Chavez Park, Hopkins Corridor & More

News, Newsletter
Dear Neighbor, The Council is currently on summer recess, but my office is open and available to address any issues or concerns you may have. You can reach me at rkesarwani@cityofberkeley.info or call 510-981-7110, or stop by my August Drop-In Hours: Cedar Rose Park Sun., Aug. 28 | 4-5 p.m.  Picnic tables in tot lot area (southwest section of park) In this newsletter: - Answering Your Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about N. Berkeley BART Development- Update on Cesar Chavez Park and Berkeley Marina Area Specific Plan- Brief Update on Ballot Measures- Update on Hopkins Corridor Answering Your Frequently Asked Questions about N. Berkeley BART Development Many of you have asked questions about the N. Berkeley BART development, and here I want to provide you with detailed answers to three frequently…
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Summer News: Marina & Pier State Funding, Possible Ballot Measures, Housing Element & More

News, Newsletter, North Berkeley Bart
Dear Neighbor, I hope you're enjoying summer! I have some exciting updates to share in this newsletter. First, over the last year, I worked with Councilmembers Terry Taplin and Rigel Robinson and Mayor Arreguín to make sure Berkeley's marina and pier infrastructure needs were known to our State Senator and Assemblymember, with the hope that we could capitalize on the opportunity of another record state surplus to fund needed repairs. The City Council unanimously passed a budget request letter in October 2021 and more than a dozen stakeholder groups followed up with letters of support to the state. I'm honored to share that our State Senator Nancy Skinner and Assemblymember Buffy Wicks have been able to deliver on our request for $15 million for our marina and pier. This is…
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May News: Facts About BART Development

News, Newsletter, North Berkeley Bart
Dear Neighbor, On Thurs., June 2, the City Council will hold a Special Meeting to consider four important documents related to zoning of the Ashby and N. Berkeley BART stations for development: Proposed Zoning and General Plan Amendments City and BART Joint Vision and Priorities City and BART Memorandum of Agreement Environmental Impact Report I understand information from various perspectives is circulating in the community, and in this newsletter I want to provide you with facts to answer the following questions: How will the maximum height of the N. Berkeley BART development be determined? What is the Community Objective Design Standards Process? How do state laws like the State Density Bonus, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and streamlined approval under SB 35 impact this project? Why do I see…
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