Reminder: Winter News: Encampment Policy Update, N. Berkeley BART Entitlement Issued & More

Reminder: Winter News: Encampment Policy Update, N. Berkeley BART Entitlement Issued & More

Homelessness, News, Newsletter, North Berkeley Bart
Hi Neighbor, I want to wish you a joyful holiday season!  On the City Council, I’m pleased to welcome Mayor Adena Ishii, new Councilmembers Shoshana O’Keefe (District 5) and Brent Blackaby (District 6), and newly re-elected Councilmembers Terry Taplin (District 2) and Ben Bartlett (District 3). I look forward to working productively and collaboratively with all of my Council colleagues to address District 1 priority issues, particularly homeless encampments, public safety, and street paving. From left, Councilmember Ben Bartlett, Mayor Adena Ishii, Councilmembers Terry Taplin, Shoshana O'Keefe, and Brent Blackaby taking the oath of office. Photo: Eric Panzer In this newsletter:  Homeless Encampment Policy Update #2  N. Berkeley BART: Land Use Entitlement Issued!   A Call for Civility at Public Meetings  Sign Up for Emergency Alerts Homeless Encampment Policy Update #2…
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Sept. News: Encampment Policy ACTION ALERT, N. Berkeley BART Funding Update & More

Newsletter, North Berkeley Bart
Dear Neighbor, I want to inform you about an important policy item I have authored to address unsafe homeless encampments that have persisted for years in West Berkeley, causing detrimental impacts to residents, workers, business owners, and visitors. The Encampment Policy Resolution, co-sponsored by Councilmembers Susan Wengraf and Mark Humbert, would enable the City of Berkeley to finally take action to close hazardous encampments in the Harrison corridor and Cedar and Second Street area of District 1, and deter re-encampment through hardscaping, signage, and enforcement of state and local laws. The policy is a balanced reasonable approach that continues the City’s commitment to offer shelter whenever practicable, and also allows City staff to address encampments that pose a fire, imminent health hazard or other serious risk, as narrowly defined in the…
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Winter News: Final BART Mtg, Street Paving, AC Transit Routes

Event, News, Newsletter, North Berkeley Bart, Sidewalks and Streets
Hi Neighbor, Happy Hanukkah to all those celebrating this evening. In this season of giving thanks, I feel especially grateful for the opportunity to serve our community. A large part of my service involves reading and listening to your varied perspectives—from local issues such as housing at N. Berkeley BART and street paving to the war in the Middle East. I offer my prayers for peace, and my prayers for those in our community who have lost loved ones and are experiencing deep grief and pain. I respect the right of all to protest, and I understand and sympathize with strongly-held beliefs on issues of war and peace that we have heard of late in the Council chambers. Because of the disruption at recent Council meetings, the Mayor has been…
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Aug. Updates: Ohlone Greenway Redesign and N. Berkeley BART & Public Safety Meetings

Newsletter, North Berkeley Bart, Sidewalks and Streets
Hi Neighbor, A number of alarming crime incidents have occurred in our district recently, and certain property and violent crimes are on the rise, based on the 2022 crime report. Please SAVE THE DATE for a District 1 Public Safety Meeting on Thurs., Sept. 28 from 6-7:30 p.m. at the Berkeley Adult School Multipurpose Room (1701 San Pablo Ave.) with Berkeley Police Lt. Matt McGee of the Community Services Bureau. In addition to answering your questions, we will share the latest crime statistics for our district, strategies to protect yourself and your property, and review the status of public safety tools that the Council has recently authorized as well as the status of filling vacant police positions.  Last month, the Council approved the use of automated license plate readers, which…
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BART Meetings: Developer Public Presentations TONIGHT & Design Meeting Next Week

Event, Newsletter, North Berkeley Bart
Hi Neighbor, There are two upcoming meetings about N. Berkeley BART Station Development: 1) TONIGHT: The City and BART will hold a Public Presentations Meeting with developer candidates from 7 to 9 p.m. Click HERE to register, if you haven't already. 2) SAVE THE DATE: The City and BART will hold their first Objective Design Standards Meeting on Wed., Nov. 16 from 7 to 9 p.m. Please see more details for both meetings below TONIGHT: N. Berkeley BART Developer Candidate Public Presentations The City and BART will hold a Public Presentations Meeting with developer candidates TONIGHT from 7 to 9 p.m.   The meeting will take place in a hybrid format, with in-person and online participation available. Each developer team will present their credentials, experience, and past projects, followed by a…
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Summer News: Marina & Pier State Funding, Possible Ballot Measures, Housing Element & More

News, Newsletter, North Berkeley Bart
Dear Neighbor, I hope you're enjoying summer! I have some exciting updates to share in this newsletter. First, over the last year, I worked with Councilmembers Terry Taplin and Rigel Robinson and Mayor Arreguín to make sure Berkeley's marina and pier infrastructure needs were known to our State Senator and Assemblymember, with the hope that we could capitalize on the opportunity of another record state surplus to fund needed repairs. The City Council unanimously passed a budget request letter in October 2021 and more than a dozen stakeholder groups followed up with letters of support to the state. I'm honored to share that our State Senator Nancy Skinner and Assemblymember Buffy Wicks have been able to deliver on our request for $15 million for our marina and pier. This is…
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May News: Facts About BART Development

News, Newsletter, North Berkeley Bart
Dear Neighbor, On Thurs., June 2, the City Council will hold a Special Meeting to consider four important documents related to zoning of the Ashby and N. Berkeley BART stations for development: Proposed Zoning and General Plan Amendments City and BART Joint Vision and Priorities City and BART Memorandum of Agreement Environmental Impact Report I understand information from various perspectives is circulating in the community, and in this newsletter I want to provide you with facts to answer the following questions: How will the maximum height of the N. Berkeley BART development be determined? What is the Community Objective Design Standards Process? How do state laws like the State Density Bonus, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and streamlined approval under SB 35 impact this project? Why do I see…
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April News: BART Housing Next Steps, Homekey Award, Trees & More

Event, News, Newsletter, North Berkeley Bart
Dear Neighbor, I wanted to remind you that a second Covid-19 booster shot is available four months after the initial booster shot, if you are 50 and older. If you are at least 12 years-old and are moderately to severely immunocompromised, you are also eligible to receive a second booster shot. To learn more about second booster eligibility, please see the California Department of Public Health Covid-19 Vaccine Eligibility Chart. City clinics now have second booster doses available to those who are eligible. In this newsletter: - BART Housing Next Steps: Council Discussion TODAY!- Homekey Grant for Homeless Housing Awarded to Berkeley- Trees Make Life Better Program in West Berkeley- Events & Meetings: Waterfront Clean Up Day, Virtual Community Meeting on Biking & Holocaust Remembrance Day QUICK UPDATE: My Street…
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Spring News: Homes at BART, Street Paving Update & More

News, Newsletter, North Berkeley Bart, Sidewalks and Streets
Dear Neighbor, There is much to be grateful for this spring, as we enter a period of reduced Covid-19 spread. I wish a happy and safe journey to all those who have an opportunity to travel for spring break. If you are able to make a donation to support relief efforts in Ukraine, I wanted to share three organizations with you: CARE, an international humanitarian organization, has set up an emergency Ukrainian Crisis Fund with the goal of providing immediate support for four million people. Donations will go toward providing Ukrainians with water, food, supplies, hygiene kits, immediate support and aid, and cash. Razom for Ukraine, a Ukrainian-American non-profit, is working to not only support emergency response to the war, but also provide a host of resources for people looking…
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