Homelessness is the result of many crises, including skyrocketing housing costs, the lack of adequate mental health and substance abuse treatment and services, and wages that have not kept up with the cost of living, to name a few.
I recently wrote an op-ed on my plan to address homelessness, and I’m working to turn many of the ideas I put forward in this op-ed into concrete policy. The recently passed Measure P will provide us with an additional $6 to 8 million annually over the next 10 years–to implement new and expand existing strategies–in order to address homelessness. Our City staff recently prepared a report putting forward ideas on how Measure P funds could be spent. The Council is currently in the process of appointing a “Measure P Panel of Experts” to work with us to allocate Measure P dollars for FY19-20.
I also want to direct you to a report recently prepared by City staff on a “1,000 Person Plan” to address homelessness. This report provides invaluable data and information on our homeless population and will help guide our future policy decisions.
Ultimately, we must recognize that homelessness is a regional challenge, and we need to coordinate with neighboring cities, Alameda County, and the wider Bay Area to achieve lasting change. I support the creation of a regional body in order to bring together all relevant stakeholders to develop a comprehensive plan that addresses the need for non-profit RV sites, safe parking locations, funding for rental subsidies, permanent supportive housing, among other unmet needs. I am actively working to make this a reality.
In September 2019, I held a Town Hall Meeting about Homelessness in West Berkeley. You can view the presentation I made below or click here to download:
Homelessness-Presentation-FINALYou can view the 2019 City of Berkeley Homeless Count & Survey Comprehensive Report below or click here to download:
2019HIRDReport_Berkeley_2019-FinalUpdate 9/19/2021
Read the Community Message from City of Berkeley Staff on Homeless Response below or click here to download: