ADOPT A SPOT INITIATIVE FOR VOLUNTEER STEWARDSHIP OF PUBLIC SPACES. I’m excited that an item I co-sponsored with Councilmembers Droste, Bartlett, and Harrison will empower more neighbors to “adopt a spot,” such as a storm drain, stretch of sidewalk, traffic circle, or a portion of a public park. I know many neighbors already take it upon themselves to keep our public spaces clean by picking up litter when they go for walks, maintaining plants in traffic circles, or removing leaves and debris from storm drains through our Adopt a Drain program.
The Adopt a Spot Initiative (scroll to Item #33) seeks to expand on existing volunteer stewardship of public spaces. If you and your neighbors would like to get started in adopting a spot, please e-mail pwworks@cityofberkeley.info and please cc me at rkesarwani@cityofberkeley.info so my office can stay in touch and support your clean-up efforts.
CLEAN AND LIVABLE COMMONS. In February 2019, the Council passed the Clean and Livable Commons Initiative (scroll to Item #2) to add additional resources to promote clean public spaces, including the following:
- Adding additional staff in order to enhance the City’s ability to quickly clear bulky debris and litter from public spaces.
- Adding additional portable toilets and handwashing stations so that human waste doesn’t end up on our streets and sidewalks.
- Deterring illegal dumping by increasing fines and adding lighting, security cameras, and signage in areas like West Berkeley that have become dumping grounds.