Reminder: Winter News: Encampment Policy Update, N. Berkeley BART Entitlement Issued & More

Reminder: Winter News: Encampment Policy Update, N. Berkeley BART Entitlement Issued & More

Homelessness, News, Newsletter, North Berkeley Bart
Hi Neighbor, I want to wish you a joyful holiday season!  On the City Council, I’m pleased to welcome Mayor Adena Ishii, new Councilmembers Shoshana O’Keefe (District 5) and Brent Blackaby (District 6), and newly re-elected Councilmembers Terry Taplin (District 2) and Ben Bartlett (District 3). I look forward to working productively and collaboratively with all of my Council colleagues to address District 1 priority issues, particularly homeless encampments, public safety, and street paving. From left, Councilmember Ben Bartlett, Mayor Adena Ishii, Councilmembers Terry Taplin, Shoshana O'Keefe, and Brent Blackaby taking the oath of office. Photo: Eric Panzer In this newsletter:  Homeless Encampment Policy Update #2  N. Berkeley BART: Land Use Entitlement Issued!   A Call for Civility at Public Meetings  Sign Up for Emergency Alerts Homeless Encampment Policy Update #2…
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Oct. News: Middle Housing Community Mtg, Update on Homeless Encampment Policy & More

Event, Homelessness, Newsletter
Hi Neighbor, Happy Fall! By now, you should have received your ballot and state and local voter information guides in the mail. Please click HERE for more information on where to return your ballot by Nov. 5, visiting a vote center, and/or tracking your ballot and local election results. Also, please mark your calendar for some festive fall events coming up. (I highly recommend the haunted house!) In this newsletter: Oct. 24: Middle Housing Community Meeting Update on Homeless Encampment Policy Community Meetings for Parks Middle Housing Community Meeting on Oct. 24 My office will be co-hosting a Community Meeting on Middle Housing with District 2 Councilmember Terry Taplin and our City’s Planning staff this Thurs., Oct. 24 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Berkeley Adult School (1701 San…
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January News: San Pablo Ave Community Mtg & Coat Drive

Homelessness, Newsletter
Hi Neighbor, I wish you my best as we begin a new year.  Earlier this month, the Mayor lamented the deterioration of civil discourse among a subset of activists in the Council chambers. The loss of life, suffering, and destruction in Gaza is hard to witness, and I pray everyday for a sustainable lasting peace. My heart breaks for victims of this war on both sides, and for their loved ones here and around the world. Still, it is deeply regrettable that some find it acceptable to shout down those with whom they disagree. I pray that we seek kindness over vitriol, empathy over self-righteousness, and unity over division.   All of us who serve in elected office have at times been on the receiving end of uncivil behavior, often…
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Summer News: City Budget & Staffing, Addressing Encampments & BART Updates

Homelessness, News, Newsletter, Sidewalks and Streets
Hi Neighbor, I hope you’re able to take time this summer to slow down and enjoy these warm sunny days with your family and friends. Last month, the Council approved a balanced budget for FY 2023-24, which you can read about in Berkeleyside and The Berkeley Scanner. In the years I have served on the Council, it has been concerning to watch some of my Council colleagues attempt to initiate new costly programs and services without appearing to consider the annual ongoing cost and the availability of staff to deliver on their ambitions. In this year’s budget, there was a recognition by Mayor Arreguín that the City does not currently have the financial or staff capacity to deliver on some of his Reimagining Public Safety initiatives. This is something I…
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Sept. News: Homelessness Updates, Districts 1 & 2 Community Meeting & More

Homelessness, News, Newsletter
Dear Neighbor, As you may know, our Health Officer recently issued a health order requiring proof of vaccination for individuals age 12 and older to enter certain indoor businesses. Last Tuesday, the City Council unanimously voted to require City employees to be vaccinated. I have been an advocate for both of these measures and will continue to support steps to prioritize our community’s public health. Vaccines are our best defense against the pandemic. Please SAVE THE DATE for a Drop-In Community Meeting with Councilmember Terry Taplin (District 2) and myself:Districts 1 & 2 Drop-In Community MeetingSat., Sept. 25, 12-2 p.m.Meadow in front of Hidden CafeStrawberry Creek Park In this newsletter: - Outreach, Clean Up and Fencing of University/I-80 Freeway Areas- RV Safe Parking Site to Open in Two Weeks- Highlights…
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June News: City Budget, Homelessness Updates, Safety on Sacramento St

Homelessness, Newsletter, Sidewalks and Streets
It’s hard to believe that a full 15 months have passed since we were first asked to shelter in place on a Tuesday last March. Over the course of weeks and months, we all faced uncertainty and isolation, and some of us faced economic devastation or the loss of a loved one. President Biden, who has experienced the loss of two children and his first spouse, recently said: “A day will come when the memory of the loved one you lost will bring a smile to your lips before it brings a tear to your eye. That’s when you know you’re going to get through it. You will get through it. But it’s a long haul.” More than 600,000 people in the U.S.—and more than 3.8 million globally—who did not survive the past…
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